Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Mail time!

We got a post office box for Harvest Hands! Yay!!! I'm really excited about this... as you can see. I will only be here for another month and a half; however, my birthday is just around the corner, and I guess some of my family members wanted to send me a "happiest of birthdays, to you" card to me. :-) My new address is provided below (don't put my name on the outside... we'll figure it out). ATTN Family: If you do happen to send me a birthday card... please include a picture of yourself... I miss your faces!

Cynthia LaFrance
Apdo 1336-1200
Pavas - San Jose - Costa Rica
America Central

1 comment:

Gerbicks said...

WAIT, i thought it was MY birthday? what's going on?