Monday, December 7, 2009

Frustration from movies & television

Here are some items that have been getting me frustrated lately:

1. Capitalism: A Love Story. This was Michael Moore's latest film, and only the second one by him that I've seen (the first was Bowling for Columbine). I'm not a huge supporter of Moore, but he does shed light on some interesting information that you don't hear about in mainstream media. The movie is a good one. I would recommend seeing it. So, pair it up with what continues to happen in our current economy and you'll see why it's frustrating.

2. Food, Inc. This documentary is about the food industry in America. So pathetic. I know and have known for years that what typically makes up the American diet isn't the most nutritious offering, but this film will just make you sick. Don't even get me started on the political side of it all. Just last evening, Aaron and I ate at Five Guys Burgers for the first time. They proudly displayed that "today's potatoes" were from Idaho. Do potatoes really need to travel ~1,750 miles to get to us?

3. A&E: Intervention and Hoarders. These two shows are great. Depressing too. They really shed light on addictions and the subsequent affects on family and friends. These shows get me frustrated because of how they show others as enablers and how quick we are to judge when we shouldn't.

There is, however, a remedy for my frustration with all this "entertainment". It's called The Office. Thursday evenings at 9 p.m. Nothing but laughter.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

After a year...

Nelson Mandela said, "There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered. "

It has been over a year since I returned from what seems now like such a short time spent in Costa Rica. So many things are the same in my circle of influence, but like Mandela discovered, I too have altered.

I hope to start using this blog again... even if for my own use to get my thoughts written down about current issues. No promises though. (So, Mom... don't check it everyday. But I still love you.)

Friday, May 1, 2009

It's been awhile...

I hear people say, "I never thought a [insert span of time] ago that I'd be here." Here, implying, a situation or circumstance or who they've become. I've been saying this recently.

Now, the thing is, is that when people say this it can go both ways... positive or negative. All around me people are being laid off from their jobs, moving, getting engaged/married, having babies, grieving someone or a relationship, etc.

For me, it seems everything is new. A year ago I was in Costa Rica, and I never thought that I would be here. Here, meaning... blogging again, living with my dad until I can move until my first apartment by myself next month, volunteering at the free medical clinic, having experienced love and heartbreak, still learning Spanish, and not thinking about moving back to Costa Rica as soon as I can.

Where I will be when this month rapidly ends, I don't know. I'm hoping that I will have grown as a person, learned more about myself, and learned more about who Jesus is.