Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A visit with Doña Carmen

Doña Carmen is 96-years-old, fragile, and one of the cutest elderly ladies I have ever met. Her smile is lacking teeth, but certainly no joy. She has lived in Los Anonos for almost her entire life. Most of her family members have passed away, or she is estranged from them. Her two previous houses built on the same property where she currently resides have been destroyed in fires. We have learned from a past visit that she really enjoys a cup of coffee.

So, yesterday, we arrived at her home with a mug of black coffee thinking we were just peachy! We had no idea what was about to happen...

Upon entering Doña Carmen's home, we greeted one another, and she invited us to sit down. She shared that she was feeling better, as she was sick the last time we saw her. We offered up the coffee and she was grateful. After I poured it into one of her dirty looking mugs for her, she took a swig. No sooner was the coffee in her mouth and there was a look of disgust on her face. Very slowly she bent forward in her bed, stuck her head over the edge, and then spit it all out onto the floor of her home. I was rolling laughing at this situation, and at the same time felt awful for being the cause of such an unpleasant experience for her. Yes, she wanted sugar!

I'm not a coffee drinker, but next time I visit Doña Carmen it will be with more coffee and LOTS of sugar.

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