Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Playa Quiones

Two weeks ago, we took a mini-break from work and went to the beach for three days. After a five hour drive to the west coast, we arrived at Playa Quiones. I have been to the beach once before in Costa Rica in June of last year (Punta Leona), but this was different.

A friend from our church here allowed us to stay at her rancho on the beach. We felt like we were camping on the beach. It was amazingly beautiful, quiet, and the locals were extremely kind. Most of the time we swam, surfed, read books, cooked great food, and chatted. One morning we purchased fresh red snapper from the fisherman. The amount of shells we collected was astronomical.

Check out the link to my photo album to see other pictures including the howler monkeys in the backyard, bats, crabs, and some of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen. I definitely would like to visit Playa Quiones again in the future. Strangely enough though, after three days there I was ready to head back "home" to Los Anonos.


The Garris Family said...

Holli- I love the updates! Your next missions trip should be to Puerto Rico! Ava and I will be praying for you! Love- Cyndia

stevenjames said...

hey i put up a link to your page on mine...

