Today was an interesting day. I was supposed to be working on projects here around the house in preparation of a team that is arriving on Monday. As a day in Costa Rica goes, the plans got changed.
Eladio, the director of Funda Vida (, came to the house with a pastor, Raul, that lives in the southern part of Costa Rica near Panama. They asked us to join them in going to a nearby community to pray regarding a piece of property that Funda Vida is considering using. Funda Vida has a total of four different sites in four different communities.
We arrived at the first community, Vienticinco de Julio (25 de Julio), and looked around the potential site. Our plan was to walk the perimeter of the town while asking God to intervene in the community. A friend of Eladio was driving through and stopped to chat with him briefly. While they were chatting, the rest of us witnessed an attempted burglary. A woman was trying to reach in to someone's house through the front door and grab items. The man who lived there was outside on the top balcony and saw her. He quickly went inside and returned to the balcony pointing a gun down at the woman at his front door. I didn't know whether to run away or stay and watch to see what happened. A few words were exchanged, rather calmly, and then the woman walked away. Talk about (culture) shock!
The next two communities that we went to had positive experiences (Concepcion and Linda Vista). In Linda Vista, we actually had the privilege in praying with a young boy, Daniel, who decided to accept Jesus as his Savior. He saw us praying in his community and invited us into his home to ask God to bless it. While inside with he and his grandmother, he told us of the decision that he wanted to make today. We were thrilled to be witnesses to his choice!
washington state or alaska...?
10 years ago
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