To continue my blogs on introducing you to those that I live/work with, allow me to introduce Rodney. Rodney is the "D" in the house. The "D" is in reference to the DiSC Inventory. D for dominance... the man with the plan. I believe that we actually have all four letters represented here at Harvest Hands, which makes for a great team!
Rodney is originally from Massachusettes, but has spent most of his life living in Maine. He is a surfer at heart, has successfully planted a Vineyard Church in Mechanic Falls, ME, where he served as Associate Pastor. He used to travel to Costa Rica for the surfing years ago, and that led him eventually to bringing down short-term teams to do missions work. He and Cindy have been living here full-time since December 2006. His background in contracting also makes him invaluable when it comes to setting up and overseeing work projects.
Rodney has a big heart for the poor and tons of compassion for those that are addicted to drugs. His vision to see a church planted here in Los Anonos is just one of many visions that he has. He would like to see a Harvest Hands in Nicaragua in the future - a much more difficult area.
Meet Rodney, and it won't be five minutes later that you will get the privilege of hearing a great story of what God has done in his life, or in the lives of those in Anonos. He sees where God is moving, and I hope that I can learn how to dream as he does.
washington state or alaska...?
10 years ago